Smoking dawn

Smoking dawn

In fact, in smoking we use an appropriate mixture of essences mezcla that, when burning, expel a smoke impregnated with disintegrating energy that, together with the energies invoked by the medium, acts as a filter that removes impurities from the aura and activates the chakras, removing little brothers of low vibratory pattern and disintegrating various types of negative charges. Where you say your prayers, ask for protection and open your work. Then it will go clockwise throughout the house, room by room. It starts at the door of the room you entered, and goes around the walls from left to right, making a spiral that ends in the center of the place you are smoking, passing to another place.

Джейсон Нарунг «Smoking, Waiting for the Dawn»

In fact, in smoking we use an appropriate mixture of essences mezcla that, when burning, expel a smoke impregnated with disintegrating energy that, together with the energies invoked by the medium, acts as a filter that removes impurities from the aura and activates the chakras, removing little brothers of low vibratory pattern and disintegrating various types of negative charges.

Where you say your prayers, ask for protection and open your work. Then it will go clockwise throughout the house, room by room.

It starts at the door of the room you entered, and goes around the walls from left to right, making a spiral that ends in the center of the place you are smoking, passing to another place. You should pay special attention to the corners and corners of the walls and openings of cabinets and stairs, places where most of the negative charges are deposited.

Go from one room or room to another, without interruption. After finishing, he thanked the Greater Spirituality and its Mentors and closed the work. There are no specific techniques for each case of smoking, what governs this work is its vibratory pattern, its tuning and the intuition of the moment. The only goal achieved with smoking is the clearing of negative charges. No mysteries, no uniforms, no inventions, no fanaticism.

In the past we used to do it every week or every fifteen days, but then we started to relax. Smoking at home is not contraindicated! You can do it at any time, although you should avoid it being late at night. Domestic smoking is a job that can be recommended by an Entity.

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